
Jacquelyn Steeves

“Hi! My name is Jacquelyn Steeves, proud mom of 4 and friend to many! I am the founder and owner of this Spruce Grove born business Cake Affair. I am an avid shopper, deal finder, up cycler of cool things, creator. I love to have a vision and see it to fruition. As the quote goes “Sometimes you just have to blow your own damn mind” and that challenge and adrenalin fuels me. Looking forward to seeing all your faces and I will leave you with this. You CAN have your cake AND eat it too! Thanks for all your support.”

About Us
About Us

The Cake Affair Story

It all began by accident really, a neighbor friend showed me how to roll out fondant and use her tools. I was a stay at home mom and creating things, decorating, do it yourself projects were my gig. To tell you the truth it was my way to relax after the kids were in bed. This mama can’t sit still and it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for me to paint an entire room on a whim at 9pm. So, I played around with fondant and some Betty Crocker cake mixes. It was fun and oddly it came so easily. Keep in mind this was the very, very early stages of any Cake Boss stuff, baking shows were not a thing yet and I am not even sure Pinterest existed? So, this became my new hobby I dabbled in here and there. Slowly I started bringing cakes to family dinners, made a few for birthdays and baby showers and people were really interested in ordering. Who knew? My kids became addicted to fondant (#kiddingnotkidding) and I became addicted to seeing what I could create.

On my 30th birthday with my family over for dinner my sister hands me a small box. Upon unwrapping it I found BUSINESS CARDS? (breathe) with the name Creative Cakes, my name, contact information and my own Facebook business page (eye twitch and panic) I was caught off guard. Unsure of myself and certainly didn’t believe in myself like she did. She kept boosting my confidence and I kept getting better and more small orders started coming. It snowballed extremely quickly. Creative Cakes became more my own style and renamed Cake Affair. A new logo. A decal on my mom van, and a website. Eventually a commercial kitchen over took my basement and now many years later we have our own shop. 

It has been a blast, a struggle, a challenge, a journey to run this business and have a family. Honestly balance is something I am not really sure exists but I am on the hunt for it and damn it I am committed to catching it! I suppose I thrive somewhat on the chaos. On the challenge. When someone asks me to create something that send me right out of my comfort zone and being able to mentor my staff and building their confidence when they think they can’t do something. “Oh ya? Just try”. Cake makes people happy. It is a conversation starter, it is a comforter, it is for celebrating and it is now more of an experience then just a “cake”. What I found I have really grown to adore is the event set up and the dessert tables. This is my passion. It lets me do all the things I love. I am usually given free reign (which satisfies the independent rebel in me), it lets me shop, it lets me see a vision to reality, it lets me decorate, use props, provide our delicious baked goods and ultimately it lets me see the customers faces beam. Our customers are our favourite part of the day! 

Look how far we’ve come, all thanks to our customers and amazing staff. I look forward sharing our wonderful, tasty creations with you for many more years to come.