Flower Cupcake Bouquet

Flower Cupcake Bouquet


A beautiful Mother’s Day flower cupcake bouquet. A mix of chocolate and vanilla flavours. Order for a friend and have it delivered!

Want to order online and pick up instead? Use coupon code PICKUP to waive the delivery fee.

(coupon code is available for pick up orders ONLY)

Mother’s Day Cupcakes

Mother’s Day Cupcakes


These indulgent Mother’s Day themed cupcakes (6) include 3 chocolate and 3 vanilla flavours with beautiful hand piped designs. Spread the joy by keeping one for yourself and giving one to a friend or neighbour. It’s a great way to spread some cheer and put some sweetness into the world. 

Want to order online and pick up instead? Use coupon code PICKUP to waive the delivery fee.

(coupon code is available for pick up orders ONLY)

Mini Cake & Cupcakes Gift Box

Mini Cake & Cupcakes Gift Box


Mini 4″ cake with 4 cupcakes. Choose from the following flavours: chocolate or vanilla. Perfect for sharing. (or not… we don’t judge!)

Spread the joy by keeping one for yourself and giving one to a friend or neighbour. It’s a great way to spread some cheer and put some sweetness into the world. 

Want to order online and pick up instead? Use coupon code PICKUP to waive the delivery fee.

(coupon code is available for pick up orders ONLY)

Gluten Free Baker’s Choice Cupcakes

Gluten Free Baker’s Choice Cupcakes


These indulgent GLUTEN FREE bakers choice cupcakes have creative, inspired cupcake-icing pairings. Spread the joy by keeping one for yourself and giving one to a friend or neighbour. It’s a great way to spread some cheer and put some sweetness into the world. 

Flavours are chosen by what is currently in stock. Order for a friend and have them delivered!

Want to order online and pick up instead? Use coupon code PICKUP to waive the delivery fee.

(coupon code is available for pick up orders ONLY)

Baker’s Choice Cupcakes

Baker’s Choice Cupcakes


These indulgent bakers choice cupcakes have creative, inspired cupcake-icing pairings. Spread the joy by keeping one for yourself and giving one to a friend or neighbour. It’s a great way to spread some cheer and put some sweetness into the world. 

Flavours are chosen by what is currently in stock. Order for a friend and have them delivered!

Want to order online and pick up instead? Use coupon code PICKUP to waive the delivery fee.

(coupon code is available for pick up orders ONLY)